Friday 2 October 2015

DFMA Makeup Academy, Brighton (Part 3)

Ok final part! I just noticed it's been almost a month between each part of this blog, and I do apologise, things have been kinda crazy here!
So I left the last blog on Day 10 with some pretty bloody looks but don't worry the next few are very theatrical and fairly normal haha.
Day 11
1920s with Monica
Was actually quite looking forward to creating this look (also because I wanted to see how I'd look from the Gatsby era!)

Literally in love with this look, we did a lot of research on the hair and makeup, I created the hair using the pin curling technique, then I brushed it out and styled it. And the makeup, well it speaks for itself, stunning.
Day 12
Ageing and on set rules and regulations with Jane.
So the title speaks for itself, we're using special fx makeup to create the look of ageing, fun and slightly scary seeing yourself with wrinkles and sun spots haha.

I used wrinkle stipple around the eye and lip are (obvs creating the look of wrinkles) and used the Kryolan supracolor palette to accentuate the lines in the forehead and create the look of sun spots. I also used white paint to take out the colour of the eyebrows.
Day 13
Edwardian / Victorian /HD looks with Ellie
As you probably know, Edwardian and Victorian era's have slightly different makeup looks
Edwardian has very little colour, definitely a "no makeup makeup" kind of look. so very little was actually done, as we were also looking at makeup for HD TVs we had to make sure everything was spot on, ie covering spots/ blemishes, redness without it actually looking like the actor/actress is wearing any makeup.
Victorian, the ladies decided to play with a little more colour, so rosy cheeks and a bit of lippy! However still looking clean and fresh, just accentuating their natural beauty!

Day 14
1930s and blocking out brows with AJ
Must admit, I always thought there wasn't too much of a difference between the 1920s & 1930s, but using the blocking out of the brows really does make a huge difference!
AJ showed us a recent image of Kylie Minogue imitating Marlene Dietrich (Sorbet Magazine) Then did a demo to show us how it's done!  

My turn...

I was actually pretty impressed with how well I blocked out the brows, however drawing the new brows on and trying to get them the same, not so easy!
Day 15
Burns and Male Grooming with Lisa,
Have no photos for this :(
Day 16

Ice Queens with AJ
So pretty straight forward, AJ set us a task to try and re-invent the ice queen and try new things, here's his demo.

I decided to warm up my ice queen so used golds and oranges to create my look! I rick-racked the hair too (such a cool technique)

Day 17
Bullet Wound, Slit Wrist, Scars & Stitches and Bruising with Jane.
This was such an ace day, learnt a hell of a lot and got some pretty good shots from it!

Bullet wound to the head.

Slit Wrist
Stitched up wound

Bruised Shoulder
Day 18
Bald cap application and finished look.
This was interesting, there's a lot to deal with when applying bald caps, main one, getting rid of the models hair and when your model has super thick hair like mine, it was not easy haha.
I decided to create a skull look, but after the morning not going as we'd all hoped and barely having enough time to finish each others looks, mine didn't go as I'd planned!

Taking it off was painful but hilarious!

Day 19
Run through & practice of final designs with Lindsay. 
So this was the last day of finalizing our looks for our photoshoot with our models tomorrow! Lindsay went through our looks with each of us and gave us a few hints and tips along the way, she also told us about her career and working on strictly, I was literally fascinated.
I was going for a tribal princess kinda look.

So impressed with how these photos came out, considering it was just me and my iPhone!
Day 20
Finals Day!
Huge & nerve-racking day, a few of the girls brought their own models in but I chose to use one from the school, I was hoping for someone with long dark hair but I had Deana with short blonde hair, however she was gorgeous so I made it work!
How the day goes is that we all start at the same time getting our models ready and then whoever finishes first, shoots first (I think I was 2nd) about half way through we had a buffet lunch and then got straight back to it. Having never worked a photoshoot before I was worried I'd have no idea what to do, but turns out it just happens naturally and I was jumping in constantly and fixing stray hairs and powdering down the shine, was a lot of fun!
Here's my final shots.

Once we'd finished Tori handed out our certificates and we were done!
 Then that feeling sank in of "oh my god, what am I going to do now" but with the amazing aftercare that DFMA has, jobs come through thick and fast so get ready to get out there. I got a job as makeup artist with Bobbi Brown at their freestanding store, so for me it completely changed my life, I grew in confidence and moved to London from Bristol, and by no means has it been easy but if I hadn't done the course, I wouldn't have met so many talented people and I most definitely wouldn't be where I am now.  
I'm really trying to blog a bit more so hopefully you'll all follow me on my journey!
Hope you all have an ace weekend, mine's going to be filled with, family, food, wine & of course the rugby ;)!
Love Keeks

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